I was teaching my neighbour-kiddo(12 year old) to ride a scooty in the morning.. and was it fun?? do i have to answer that? ofcourse, it was!!
Its always exciting to teach kids(hey, not those little ones.. i still have no courage to face them -- eeeeks they scare me)
Can-i-call-those-chintu´s (below 5) ------ tender coconuts? lol.. Yesterday, i was walking under this b@#|#@ coconut tree, not deliberately.. damn, they exist everywhere in mangalore. If only i could avoid their sight. I´m so bored of these nariyal´s all around. Cant they plant some other trees. Now dont ask me to do the needful, coz i´ve NO dearly affection towards them to go around planting n all, but i truly object towards the destruction of forests(aaah my love for snakes, the other reptiles, orangutans overrule) which again implies i should be doing my bit by planting trees.. But thats a BIG BIG NO.. watering them.. blah blah!! Xorkes is confused. So expect no intelligent answers!!!(Did i say Intelligence?? Haha.. read that again -- "Intelligence" jumps around here n there in hopes of getting a possible medium of entrance into xorkes brains but xorkes repels them all-the-time saying: "jaaga nahin, baad mein aao!") This is for those ppl who love planting trees -- LOOK, its time u plant something other than coconuts, start caring for the the other species. How bout an alternative -- other fruit-bearing trees. Creeeeps.. why do i divert from my actual topic n go around givng not-interested-to-be-accepted gyaaaan?? Ya, so whr was i? Ye, walking on the road and one bloody coconut just fell in front of my leg and look at the brains of that stupid coconut, it hit the ground and rebound --- on my ankles. Thudddd!! Of all the places on earth, it had to hit the left ankle??? On a positive note, thats Great.. Had it hit my head, i wouldnt have survived to blog.. abbe, kya blog- jog.. zindaa nahi rehti thi main.. contusion ho jata, subdural hemorrhage.. baap re!! Hey hello.. how are you? I´m alive.. but my ankle hurts all over again. Nice to be alive and kicking. Actually what bothers me, is the rebounce effect. Couldnt it rebound on the opposite side and land on the vacant road. Mera Hi Pair Mila Usko? Firstly, this left chronic ankle injury leading to an ugly-permanently swollen ankle. Have read in the Ortho books n those Ortho docs also have the same opinion that the swelling shall subside in 6 months. Abbe, boss kayko majjak karela hain? Its been 4 years. And now, my ankle gets the unwanted-undesirable-yet-always-expected sprains even while simply walking!! i think i gotta walk baby steps.. lol!!
Aaaaaah, yes those babies --- they are so eager to experiment n learn. So very full-of-life! They´ve got millions of supposedly innocent questions to ask. Its not possible to have all the answers. So, u divert the young mind with silly question. But, they are so adamant in finding out stuff and go on tautologically and i-assume-unnecessarily questioning the same thing a hundred times. Usually, they land up short-circuiting my leftover-brains too early with their inquisitive nature but then one crooked stare and they buzzzz off (hmmm.. the supreme-elderly Feel.. tskkk tskkk) hehehe!!
Anyways, i actually wanted to mention something else. I mean --- this neighbour kid( shall be addressed as dude 1) Yeah, he´s a fast learner. He learnt it( to ride) too fast and took me on a double ride for an hour too. Later, in the evening, he pleaded to let him ride by himself! I did! He took 3 rounds while i observed him from a visible distance. Suddenly this another kid, whos his schoolmate (whom i shall call dude 2) turned up and started fooling around with his cycle in front of the scooty. I called out to dude1 to return but it was too late.. dasssssshhhh. Dude 1 banged against dude 2´s cycle. Luckily dude 2 ( guess, the 6th sense) jumped out of his bicycle on time and dude 2 (forget sixth sense, none of his senses were working) kept on accelarating instead of using the brakes and crushed the handles of that poor chaps cycle. I rushed to the scene and screamt at him to use his brakes which he finally did. Quietly, he parked the scooty in the corner n joined me while i was checking and inquiring dude 2 bout any possible injuries. Dude 1 asked me if dude 2 was alright to which i replied, "Yes, everything´s ok!!" On hearing this, he(dude 1) immediately socked him, laughed and then said," Now, dont u dare try that again?" Dude 2 started crying and apologized. It turned out that dude 2 had suddenly applied brakes to check out dude 1´s biking reflex and knowing the possible outcome, he´d jumped out of the cycle on time.. Wierd!! These little boys are wierd! Thankfully, nothing absurd happened to any of them and i can laugh at this incident!