Firstly ( for those who dont know),
Hypermetropia is a type of refractive error, wherein parallel rays of light coming from infinity are focussed behind the retina, with accomodation being at rest.
In simple words, inability to see near objects clearly. Thats it!! Naaa naa, its not the one you get when Ur OLD. Thats presbyopia.Well, i shall not deal with that here. You wanna know bout it? Try search engines. ;)
Hmmm.. now who´s SHE? She´s my CAT. Ya, u read it right! My Cat! Meow meow :)
Today, i gave her bread and realized that she couldnt see. She just kept licking blindly all over the place and then finally managed to locate the food and eat. Wierd!
So, i threw the piece of bread far and she ran towards the direction i threw, but again she wasn´t able to locate its position exactly. Somehow(dunno how) she managed to feed her stomach which is alwayyyyyyyyys craving for more and more food.
Hmmm. ok! That means,she can see things that are far-off but not the near ones.
Diagnosis on history: Hypermetropia.
Investigations: blah blah blah.. She wont sit in one place so forget it!
1) Spectacles - impossible
2) Contact lens - Naaaah
3)Surgical method: Hyperopik LASIK or Conductive Keratoplasty?
Gosh, what to do for this silly-billy cat? I cant think of an appropriate treatment. What do you reckon?
Well, I reckon.. Leave her alone. Just let it beeee.. :)
Firstly, I dont like cats. All they know, is to eat, eat n eat the whole day. My intelligent cat is frightened of Mouse. When she happens to spot one, she runs away. Whats wrong with her genes? She doesnt follow a word of what i say. When i call her,she just goes away. But when i show her food, aaaah.. u guessed it right!
These cats are such morons. Hey cat-lovers dont get upset. I´m just so tired of this creature.
Dogs are much much better. No wonder they say, "Dog is a man´s best friend"..
Guess, Cat is a dumb frien... oops animal!!